
Ableton Live Packs

featured image for blog post, showing an ableton session with the text "Ableton Packs" overlayed.

Welcome to my archive of Ableton Live Packs. Looking for some creative inspiration? You should find something here to get your creative juices flowing.

If you are looking for more free resources to help your music production, check out my free stuff page, where you’ll find free Ableton Templates and links to free effect plugins & free Ableton Packs. You might also enjoy the 200+ free packs for Ableton post I made 🙂

Ableton Live Packs

  • A Prophet Rev 2 synthesizer keyboard is depicted with the text "PROPHET REV 2" prominently displayed in large red letters at the top. Below this, "Ableton Pack" is written, flanked by logos for "Recorded to tape" and "thevelvetshadow" at the bottom corners. The entire composition rests against a black textured backdrop.

    Prophet Rev 2 Ableton Pack

    An Ableton Pack of the Prophet Rev 2.

    The pack contains 50 Synth Patches recorded from the Prophet REV 2 and turned into Ableton Instrument Racks. Each Rack has additional effects and controls to help you shape your sounds. You can read more about the Instrument rack below.

    The rack also features a tape layer – the sounds of the Prophet recorded to cassette tape. As well as the dry recordings, I recorded each patch to tape. This provides an even warmer, nostalgic character to the sounds that can be blended with the original audio signal or used separately.

How do I install an Ableton Pack?

Here’s how to install the Ableton packs you downloaded as an .alp file.

Double-click the ALP file or drag it anywhere into Ableton Live to install the Pack.

Once it’s installed, it will appear in the ‘Places’ section of  Live’s Browser under Packs.

Need a bit more help? Read my article: How do I install an Ableton Pack?

Free Ableton Live Packs: Long list

Free Ableton Live Pack #001 Circuit Bent Yamaha Pss 140 
Free Ableton Live Pack #002 Casper Electronics Nova Drone Synth
Free Ableton Live Pack #003 Wet Dry Rack
Free Ableton Pack #004 Boomwhackas
Free Ableton Live Pack #005 Donkey Jaws
Free Ableton Live Pack #006 Xylomatic
Free Ableton Pack #007 Peruvian Whistling Vessel
Free Ableton Pack 008 – Plastic Baby Legs
Free Ableton Pack #009 Metals
Free Ableton Pack #010 – Fart Arpeggiator
Free Ableton Pack #011 – Dirty DFAM Toms
Free Ableton Pack #012 – 2HP Pluck
Free Ableton Pack #013 – Indigo Jung Organic Grooves

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