
Free Ableton Live Pack #003 Wet Dry Rack

Cover image for the free Ableton Live pack features a vibrant yellow banner at the top, announcing "FREE ABLETON LIVE PACK #003." Just beneath this, it's labeled "WET / DRY ANYTHING - EFFECT RACK." Dominating the bottom section, a black knob is prominently displayed with labels indicating "DRY" on the left and "WET" on the right.

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Wet dry Ableton Live Rack

This simple free Ableton live pack includes a “Wet Dry Rack” for controlling the wet dry signal of any VST plugin.

This is really useful as some Ableton instruments and third-party VST plugins don’t have a wet-dry knob. Now you can drop those effects & plugins into this rack. This will give you so much more control over your vst synths, instruments, and effects.

How do I use the Wet Dry Rack in Ableton?

All you need to do is add the wet-dry rack to the Ableton channel you want to use it on.

Then drop the VST that you want to use as an effect into the Rack’s “WET” Chain, and you’re ready to go! Adjust the dial for the amount of the effect you want.

You can use this free Ableton pack to add more subtle amounts of third-party VSTs and Ableton effects that don’t have a dedicated wet-dry setting (such as Beat Repeater). There are many other creative uses for it, such as using it to send an audio signal to a compressor for parallel compression.

Related: How to Install an Ableton Pack

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Where do you download the Ableton Pack?

You can download this free ableton pack via Gumroad here.

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How do you make a dry wet Rack in Ableton?

You can, of course, make your own wet-dry rack in Ableton by doing the following:

Add an audio effect rack to an audio channel in Ableton.

Click the Chain icon to view the chain list.

The screenshot of Ableton's Audio Effect Rack panel. Visible are two chains both labeled "Chain". A menu offers options such as "Distribute Ranges Equally" and "Create Chain" which is highlighte in blue. Additionally, a red arrow highlights the icon for opening the chain list.

Right-click and create two new audio chains by clicking ‘Create Chain’.

Rename one ‘wet’ and one ‘dry’.

Drag the zone edit for each channel from 0 to the maximum value of 127

The screenshot of a digital audio workstation displays an Audio Effect Rack containing two chain channels, with both channels showing a volume level of 0.00 dB. Additionally, a red arrow labeled "DRAG" points to the right showing which way to drag the chain selector.

Now drag the much smaller blue line on each channel to create a volume fade. You will need to decrease the dry chain volume and increase the wet chain volume.

A screenshot of an audio effect rack in Ableton Live, featuring two chains each labeled "Chain." These chains have their volumes set at 0.00 dB. A red arrow highlights the direction of dragging chain 1 across values 127 to 0.
Displayed is Ableton's audio effect rack. The rack features two chains labeled "Dry" and "Wet," each set to 0.0 dB. Graphical representations depict the effects over time, illustrating the "Dry" chain gradually decreasing while the "Wet" chain shows an upward trend. Additionally, a designated drag area for audio effects is visible beneath these elements.

Now, we need to be able to fade our audio signal between the chains we have created. We can do this by mapping the chain selector to our macro controls.

We need to see the macro controls to be able to map our chain selector. So click on the view macro controls button in the effect rack. This will display the macro control panel.

The screenshot shows an audio effect rack in Ableton Live. A red arrow highlights the "View Macros" button. To the right, the chain selector shows two channels Wet & Dry.

Now, right-click on the chain selector (the blue vertical line) and map it to macro 1.

Rename this Macro “dry/wet”.

Now let’s tidy up the effect rack by removing the unused macros. You can do this by hitting the minus button on the rack.

Ableton instrument rack showing a "Wet / Dry" control knob set to 0. Positioned on the left side, it features buttons for various controls such as power, add, subtract, menu, and settings icons.

Congratulations… you’ve made a wet-dry Ableton rack!

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2 thoughts on “Free Ableton Live Pack #003 Wet Dry Rack”

  1. “The preset cannot be loaded. It’s probably broken”

    I tried to buy the Wet Dry Rack. I could then download and a file named “Wet Dry Knob.adg” with 2,48 KB.
    Opening this in Live 10 though fails with “The preset cannot be loaded. It’s probably broken”
    What’s wrong?

    1. Hey Thomas 🙂
      I’m unsure what’s going on there. I downloaded the .adg file again to check it, and it worked fine for me.

      I dragged the preset across to an empty MIDI channel and it worked.

      My only thought is this is due to using Live 10. (The .adg was made in Ableton 11). See backward compatibility on the Ableton site here:


      If you can’t get the download to work, I hope you can follow the guide above to make your own. It’s easy to do my friend and shouldn’t take you long.
      Good luck

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